
The trouble with stories

Chris Rose writes: “It concerned me that campaign groups adopting story-telling so enthusiastically seemed to have been influenced by the fashion for personal-story story-telling in ‘movement making’ in American politics (eg Marshall Ganz and the ‘story-of-me’,...

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Assessing advocacy

This new framework provides a methodical and organised approach to managing some of philanthropy’s most complicated endeavours. The framework evaluates projects for nine conditions, from the presence of effective champions to favourable timing. It complements and...

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The just enough guide for campaigners

In the face of a rapidly changing world, even the savviest nonprofits and foundations needed a boost to keep up and win their issue campaigns. Recognizing this, in 2008 we set about gathering insights from dozens of strategists, who knew more than a thing or two about...


Blueprint for revolution

 In Blueprint for Revolution, Srdja Popovic outlines his philosophy for implementing peaceful world change and provides a model for activists everywhere through stories of his own experience toppling dictatorships (peacefully) and of smaller examples of social change...

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Developing a strategy: Advocacy’s road map

A good strategy, like a good route through new terrain, doesn’t just rely on the roads you know. It starts where you are, ends where you want to go and provides a good, plausible route in between… Without a strategy, or with a poor one, you are more likely to...

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