climate action

Stories and images

Don McArthur’s website draws on PhD research at Monash University on the role of cultural power in the Australian climate movement. How do images and narratives feature in the climate movement’s work? How are stories and images important for achieving social...

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Climate Resistance Handbook

If you’re wondering how to build a powerful, strategic movement that can make big wins for climate action, this is your guide. The Climate Resistance Handbook brings together a wealth of learnings from the climate justice movement. It starts with breaking social myths...

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Climate advocacy lab

Designed for climate practitioners—advocates, social scientists, data experts and funders—the Lab promotes effective tools and tactics for engaging Americans on climate change. The Interactive Tools provide easy access to helpful climate change information, while the...

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Australia’s Climate Action Summit

The 2014 Community Climate Action Summit is coming to Brisbane this August. Communities, businesses, schools, universities and industries all across Australia are looking past the political rhetoric to get on with the job of creating the kind of sustainable futures...


Power from the ground up

Michael Green’s article in The Age (13/12/08) discusses the rise and rise of Australia’s grassroots climate movement, including observations by the Change Agency’s James Whelan.


The fallacy of climate activism

In the 20 years since we climate activists began our work in earnest, the state of the climate has become dramatically worse, and the change is accelerating – this despite all of our best efforts. Clearly something is deeply wrong with this picture…
