
Online Monster Manual

The most comprehensive Online Training Monster Manual — over 80 tools to make your workshops and events more participatory and interactive! The Monster Manual features common tools like spectrum of allies, pillars of support, polls, and online spectrums. It includes...

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Wise Democracy Card Decks

Printed card decks for the Wise Democracy Pattern Language (version 2.0) are now available for purchase in boxed sets with 96 pattern cards and educational inserts. They are backed up by an encyclopedic wise democracy website packed with methods and practical advice...


How to create a time-saving meeting agenda

An effective meeting starts with a meeting agenda. An agenda serves as the outline of important meeting information, and what will be covered. It provides clear direction for meetings and can save you several hours per month. If you want to learn what makes a meeting...


Advanced Diploma of Group Facilitation 2018

Working well with groups to harness the wisdom of everyone present, for the best outcome, requires more than experience in the role of running a meeting or leading a team. Development of effective communication and leadership skills, self-awareness and actively...


Three traps to avoid at your next meeting | Ed McKinley

Ed (GroupWork Institute of Australia) reflects: There’s a lot to be gained in digging a bit deeper into why you may be finding your meetings frustrating. People instantly get it when we encourage structure around meetings by emphasising the importance of Beginning,...


Thinking outside the circle | George Woods

In our hurly-burly times, it seems that the circle is no longer the shape to form in decision-making, or in organising social change. As an alternative, activism might instead adopt structures, tactics and decisions that accommodate the ideas, experiences, prejudices,...

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