This is exciting. Tom Atlee and the Co-Intelligence Institute team have developed a terrific collection of 96 patterns they describe as… “features or design principles that we believe would show up repeatedly in a democracy characterized by collective wisdom, as manifested in collective decisions and behaviors that generate long term broad benefits and healthy living systems, both human and natural.” Wow.
The patterns are available as a beautiful set of 96 cards, along with suggested activities to help your group explore how these patterns speak to their group life – current or hoped for. “Some activities are about using the patterns to analyze real or hypothetical situations or democratic examples. Some are more focused on self-improvement and building community among students and practitioners, or spreading the word to invite others into this wise democracy adventure. And some stimulate us to be creative about wise democracy ideas.” You can also download a facilitators guide and other resources.
If you use these resources in your work, we’d love to hear your experience. I know Tom values feedback.