
The trouble with stories

Chris Rose writes: “It concerned me that campaign groups adopting story-telling so enthusiastically seemed to have been influenced by the fashion for personal-story story-telling in ‘movement making’ in American politics (eg Marshall Ganz and the ‘story-of-me’,...

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Harnessing the Power of Narrative for Social Change

There are many different ways to win the Battle of the Story whether it’s by re-framing the issue, amplifying previously unheard voices, or offering new solutions. The story-based strategy approach offers a flexible methodology for campaign or community stakeholders...


The Progressive Exchange

The Progressive Exchange is an online community that was started in 2004 by M+R Strategic Services’ eCampaigns division as a way to share information among people doing online organizing, advocacy, marketing and fundraising on behalf of the public...

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A great online widget for creating attractive graphics. A quick way to present elements of strategy visually (critical path, power map, etc).
