
Top Three Tips for Successful Funding Applications

Ever wondered how to give your funding application the best chance of success? Of course you have! Securing funding is an essential part of launching and growing a successful social business, but doing so can be time consuming and can distract you from having the...


Three traps to avoid at your next meeting | Ed McKinley

Ed (GroupWork Institute of Australia) reflects: There’s a lot to be gained in digging a bit deeper into why you may be finding your meetings frustrating. People instantly get it when we encourage structure around meetings by emphasising the importance of Beginning,...


Theory of Change Guidelines

A Theory of Change (ToC) approach helps in deepening your understanding – and that of your partners – of how you collectively think change happens and what the effect will be of your intervention. Not only does it show what political, social, economic,...

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Theory of Change Online

Theory of Change Online (TOCO) is the only web-based software (no download required) that you can use to design and edit and store your Theory of Change, learn the concepts of theory of change, and capture your outcomes, indicators, rationales and assumptions in an...

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The art of advocacy | The Democracy Center

At the Democracy Center, for nearly 25 years we have worked to support people all across the world with one area of activism especially – advocacy. That is a word with many different meanings. Most of all it means to have a specific objective in mind – passing a law...

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Simple theory of change exercise

We use this exercise to jump start a group thinking about the changes they really hope to make, what will get them there, and most importantly, why. Sometimes it is helpful to start by drawing a vision for change for the top of the map, or the long-term goal (rather...

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Knowledge tree

We have used the Knowledge Tree as a tool for doing a “learning review” or a systemization of what has been learned through for example past monitoring exercises, and more in-depth discussions with staff and community members. At the bottom of the tree are...

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