Organisational culture: Understanding (and changing) our habits, norms and behaviours
Organisational culture is shaped through values, norms and behaviours. Organisations committed to learning, to impact and to bringing out the best in team members routinely reflect on and review their culture. It's healthy to 'lower the waterline' by encouraging folks...
Cutting the issue: Why campaign on part of a problem?
The Change Agency team have been teaching campaigners to 'cut the issue' for 15 years. This strategising process challenges campaigners to differentiate between problems and issues. An issue is part of the problem, and also part of the solution. Our People Power...
Apply now for SMT’s Digital Campaigning Certificate
Discounted registration is now available for the 9-month Digital Campaigning Certificate with Social Movement Technologies starting September 2020. The SMT team are recruiting an Australia-Pacific cohort and have generously offered registrations at one-third the...
tCA’s new training guides (drum roll please …)
We're super proud to announce the 2020 edition of the Campaign Strategy training guide, now available as a download and in beautiful hard copy. The Change Agency team have been designing, collecting and adapting activist education curriculum for more than 15 years....
Theories of change
A theory of change can help guide campaigners, their teams and communities. A well-crafted theory of change helps align the available energy, keeping your team focused and clear headed about the change you plan to make and how. In our workshops, we often use a basic...
Covid-19 update
All face-to-face Change Agency workshops, including the launch of our new training guide, have been cancelled. During this time of physical isolation, we remain available to support social change organisations remotely. Contact us if you or your organisation seek...
National philanthropic award for tCA’s Community Organising Fellowship
On 22 July 2019, the 17 funders who have supported the Community Organising Fellowship since 2014 received Philanthropy Australia's annual Environmental Award during a ceremony held at the NSW Art Gallery. The award, in its third year, was sponsored by the Australian...
Stop Adani and the Suffragettes: Reflections on targets and tactics [Joel Dignam]
The 2017 Queensland state election took place against a proposed new coal mine in Queensland, and a concerted national campaign against it. The mine’s proponent was Adani Group, of India, and the opponents: Stop Adani. Before the Queensland state election campaign...
Moved to Action: Joel Dignam’s review of Hahrie Han’s text
Hahrie Han’s Moved to Action (published in 2009) tackles the question of what motivates political participation by people who face significant barriers to participation. While some people have many resources that facilitate political participation (education, wealth,...
Tactics for Mobilisers: Amanda Tattersall’s review of ‘Rules for Revolutionaries’
You have probably heard of Rules for Radicals, an old but still living set of strategies designed for changing the world, written by the grandfather of community organising – Saul Alinsky. It is that book, or at least its title, that inspired Becky Bond and Zack Exley...
Can the Centre Hold? (book review)
Joel Dignam reviews Ori Brafman and Rod Beckstrom’s ‘The Starfish and the Spider’. Decentralisation is so hot right now. People are talking about swarms, distributed leadership, horizontal learning. And it's not the only thing that's so hot right now. The new pro-coal...
Relational organising and transactional mobilising
How can we maximise the relational potential of tactics that are primarily designed to turn people out for our rallies and other public events? How can we harness the power of shared interests and values when we're focused on organising events to show numbers? For the...