New community organising guide launched
On Friday 25 November, we officially launched our new Community Organising training guide during the national FWD+Organise conference in Sydney. Even before the launch, word of mouth (and social media) had generated national and international interest. Already, the...
Community Organising Guide: Our second training guide has been published!
“In a democracy there are only two types of power. There’s organised people and organised money. Organised money only wins when people aren’t organised.” -- Benjamin Todd Jealous The Community Organising Guide is a unique resource for campaigners, community leaders...
Learning to design and lead workshops with activists
A few weeks ago, I was invited by the convenor of the group in Sydney to lead a short workshop with their team. Their campaign to encourage universities and other institutions to divest from fossil fuels is building momentum. They're actively recruiting and...
Community organising for climate justice
Graduates of our Community Organising Fellowship played key leadership roles in the People’s Climate March in November. Around the world, three-quarters of a million people marched to encourage their leaders to take strong commitments to Paris. Marches were held in 50...
Launching our Campaign Strategy Guide: Instalment #1 of the ‘People Power’ manual
We launched our Campaign Strategy Guide last week at the Organise 2015 conference in Sydney.Co-author of the Guide, Jason MacLeod, described how many of the 24 how-to process guides contained in our new publication are being used by activists in Australia and the...
Assessing policy windows: our new campaign strategy process guide
If you've been a campaigner for more than a year or two, you will surely have experienced brick walls... campaigns that just don't seem winnable. You're focused on a real problem and have a sense of a policy solution, but your campaign just isn't gaining traction....
How many climate activists does it take to run a good open space?
- Mick Power, Membership and Campaign Coordinator, US Climate Action Network How many climate activists does it take to change a lightbulb? Or to change the world? How many facilitators does it take to run a successful open space session for 300 climate activists from...
Campaign Strategy Guide: ‘How to’ guides for organisers and activist educators
The Campaign Strategy Guide was the first instalment of the People Power Manual, a resource created for activist educators and facilitators. Campaign strategy needn’t be mystifying, lonely or stressful. Social movements become more powerful as more people are equipped...
Nonviolence unbound: Brian Martin’s latest
Rallies, strikes, boycotts, sit-ins - these and other methods of nonviolent action can be used to bring down dictators. Nonviolence Unbound shows how insights into what makes nonviolent action effective can be applied to four completely different arenas: defending...
Nominations now open for the NSW Human Rights Award
Human rights activists across Australia are encouraged to nominate now for the NSW Human Rights Award, with entries closing on Friday, 21 August 2015. The NSW Human Rights Award pays tribute to a person who has made a meaningful and lasting contribution to the...
Thank you, Randy
Since the mid 1990s, Randy Stoecker has created and shared the awesome Comm-Org list-serve. At a time when e-groups were new and (in Australia, at least), sharing resources about community organising was radical pioneering work, Randy collated, curated and...
What do community organisers DO?
Organisers are sometimes described as 'Jack of all trades'. It can be a complex and demanding role. To make sense of the role, the Change Agency synthesised recent position descriptions developed by social movement groups. We then cross-referenced that with education...