
The Change Toolkit

The Change Toolkit is a guide for people in community legal centres – and elsewhere – who are interested in improving the lives of people in their community through law reform, policy and advocacy. A new resource for strategic and effective systemic advocacy drawing...

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Activist Rights

Created by the Fitzroy Legal Service the site aims to help Australian activist movements face the police and legal system. Our aim is to help Australian activist networks and movements face the police and legal system, build resilience against repression and to keep...

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Pt’Chang Community Safety Group

Pt’chang is a Melbourne based all volunteer, not for profit community group dedicated to Community Safety. Pt’chang provides trained groups of peacekeepers at community events and provides legal observers when necessary.

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Beating a SLAPP suit

Greg Ogle examines recent legal cases against Australian environmentalists – the lawsuit initiated by Tasmanian forestry giant Gunns Ltd, and the litigation proceedings by David Jones against the Australia Institute. How do these suits impact on public de

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