community organising

Would Saul Alinsky break his own rules?

In recent years, Saul Alinsky has become known for of his connections to prominent figures inside Washington, D.C. In the 1980s, Barack Obama cut his political teeth as an organizer in an Alinskyite community organization, an initiative on the South Side of Chicago...

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Community Organising Doorknocking Game

An interactive on-line game from the US that takes you through the steps involved in doorknocking as a community organising tactic. The steps include: assessing a home from outside, getting in the door, breaking the ice, explaining the organisation…


Community organizers handbook

Local organizers are passionate people who see the value in connecting networks and groups for more collaboration on a local and global scale. Many organizers say that they find new work and new projects, meet new contacts and grow a larger network, as well as have...


National Organisers Alliance

The Alliance aims to advance progressive organising for social economic and environmental justice and support people in their social change work. The site features a comprehensive list of progressive organisations and resources in the United States.

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Community unionism

Research papers, training documents, annotated bibliography and weblinke created by Amanda Tattersall, an Australian union and community activist and academic, preparing a PhD on Community Unionism.

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Moderated and edited by Randy Stoecker, Comm-org’s mission is to link academics and activists, and theory and practice, toward the goal of improving community organizing and its related crafts. Terrific resources, case studies and links.

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