What's on top?This year's Community Organising Fellowship kicked off with a 7-day residential retreat in Sydney. Our diverse cohort work in communities right around Australia, on a wide range of social and environmental justice campaigns. The week was intense and rewarding, learning and applying a suite of tools for campaign strategy, sharing insights into community power and passion, and forming deep connections. Workshops 2 and 3 promise a deep dive into building diverse and powerful social movements, and leading a free workshop with Melbourne activists and organisers in June (see below). Applications for the 2019 Fellowship open in August. Our graduates play lead roles in some of the country’s most prominent and powerful campaigns - to transition to renewable energy, protect farmland, coastlines and the Reef, and safeguard human rights. They lead training programs around Australia to equip and empower community campaigns. Our big news is the commencement of a Campaign Strategy Fellowship for community groups focused on coal and energy in East and South East Asia. From July, our team will be leading a series of workshops with campaigners from Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam, Korea and Japan. This new training program has been shaped by scoping interviews with non-government groups throughout the region. The workshops will be delivered in both English and Bahasa Indonesian, with an international team of facilitators and guests. Applications close 30 April. Email Alex for further details.
Great online resourcesEnews subscribers regularly share with us the websites and online resources they’re developing, discovering and learning from in their community organising. Enjoy this month’s batch and be sure to drop us a line to suggest links for the next enews.
To create systems of societal change, we need to become clearer about the archetypes of societal change strategies, their strengths and weaknesses, and their interactions. How do we transform a group of well-intended but collectively incoherent change initiatives into a powerful societal change system? The matrix serves as a device to raise valuable questions and spark insights for understanding change strategies …
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Most activists and other practitioners of civil resistance realize that governments can use various methods of digital surveillance to find and silence dissenters. The question of how to protect ourselves can seem overwhelming. Wherever you look there are different and often contradictory recommendations. It can all seem too complicated, just impossible to keep up with. What you need is a …
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Are you looking to identify the right tool to meet your standards for mass email, online advocacy, and fundraising, without breaking the bank or creating more problems than it solves? Finding a tool that efficiently integrates the various needs of your organizing group can be challenging. The WhichCRM questionnaire will help point you in the right direction based on your priorities …
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Pacific Standard spoke to Anita Cameron. Among disability rights activists, Cameron is legendary. She's been performing acts of civil disobedience for almost four decades, with over 130 arrests. She also pushes the disability community to confront issues of race, class, sexuality, and other aspects of intersecting justice within its own ranks.
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Creative, empowering and diverse processes can be used to work with a group to establish their personal and group needs, values, principles and ethics then come to shared understandings and agreements. The analogy of the seed is part of a meta process Robin is developing called ‘The Vision Tree Process’. The next stage is to explore the Group Vision and …
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The health of teams working on digital strategy, platforms, and tools at nonprofits has long been an indicator of their adoption of or resistance to wider trends around innovation and impact. Over the years, we’ve observed that nonprofits are significantly more effective when their digital team plays a strong leadership role in organizational management and campaigns. We’ve also observed that …
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Upcoming learning opportunities and eventsFor details of other workshops and learning opportunities, visit our calendar.
Keen to collaborate but feel like you’re missing the mark? We’re better together. As a leader, you need to both identify and make the most of the wisdom and experience in your organisation or team. With so many operational issues to address and negotiate, however, the emotional content is often overlooked. The advantage of an emotionally resilient leader is having the skills and awareness to …
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This enjoyable, hands-on workshop gives you the skills to facilitate and get results in workshops, team meetings, community meetings, and more. Facilitate with Confidence is an intensive training course for professionals who have facilitation roles. It's dynamic and interactive, with role plays and plenty of practice (after all, facilitation is best learnt by doing it!). The course includes: Winning your licence …
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This enjoyable, hands-on workshop gives you the skills to facilitate and get results in workshops, team meetings, community meetings, and more. Facilitate with Confidence is an intensive training course for professionals who have facilitation roles. It's dynamic and interactive, with role plays and plenty of practice (after all, facilitation is best learnt by doing it!). The course includes: Winning your licence …
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Commonground invites you to a special weekend to reconnect with the earth, community and yourself. In this disruptive world it’s all too-easy to lose inspiration in never-ending to-do lists and looming environmental and human rights issues. It can feel overwhelming. Our capacity to act from a grounded or wise place can become impaired as stress levels rise. It’s time to re-ground ourselves …
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Join us for a participatory half-day workshop at Commonground to learn and share campaign strategy and community organising skills and tools. Extend your campaign toolkit Sharpen your strategy Connect with activists and organisers The workshop will be facilitated by participants in this year's Community Organising Fellowship , drawing on the Change Agency’s People Power Manual activist training guides The Fellowship is Australia’s most extensive activist training …
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As organizers and activists, it’s not always easy to stay abreast of the latest thinking and writing about movement-building. Yet it’s vital to bringing more wisdom, creativity and inspiration to this work! And connecting to others deeply committed to movement-building can help us re-charge. Here is a series of online talks by authors of some of the most important recently-published …
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Upcoming training opportunities on grant writing, successful boards, effective meetings, governance, media, online essentials, campaigns that sizzle, and being an effective spokesperson. Our Community has developed a suite of affordable, practical training to help community sector staff, volunteers and supporters keep abreast of their responsibilities and learn how to lift their organisation from ordinary to extraordinary All training is delivered by …
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The Groupwork Institute of Australia are the collaborative education and training arm of Commonground Training Resources Inc. We have been leaders in facilitation and collaborative management for more than 30 years. Our approach has two levels: Practical skills and processes that are easy to understand and simple to use Building emotional intelligence so these tools can be applied to a …
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