
What's on top?

We're super excited to let you know we've just published our Community Organising Guide. You can now download it or order a hard copy from the Change Agency website.

This has been a truly collaborative project. The new Guide contains 39 process guides, 50 handouts, 4 case studies and workshop outlines that were developed or inspired by 35 activist educators in several countries and many movements. It's the second of six training resources that will together form the People Power Manual, following the Campaign Strategy Guide we launched late last year. 

Read all about it below. A huge, heart-felt thanks goes out to all the contributors, our designer Kym Thomas and everyone who has encouraged and guided us along the way.

Welcome to the tCA mailing list if you've subscribed since last month's enews! This month's edition includes a great collection of links to online resources, workshops and other learning opportunities.

Community Organising Guide cover

Community Organising Guide: Our second training guide has been published!

 “In a democracy there are only two types of power. There’s organised people and organised money. Organised money only wins when people aren’t organised.” -- Benjamin Todd Jealous The Community Organising Guide is a unique resource for campaigners, community leaders and activist educators. It’s a collection of 39 process guides, 50 handouts 4 original case studies and 3 sample workshop …

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Great online resources

Enews subscribers regularly share with us the websites and online resources they’re developing, discovering and learning from in their community organising. Enjoy this month’s batch and be sure to drop us a line to suggest links for the next enews.


Five Myths that Perpetuate Burnout Across Nonprofits

There is a pervasive fear in the nonprofit field that focusing inwardly—on our staff, our leadership, even our own salaries—will take away from achieving our organizational missions. That needs to change. Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, you jump on board, heart open, mind and body ready to work tirelessly to “fulfill the mission.” Then, the creep happens: The hours are long; the …

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social movement technologies

Top 2016 Tools & Tactics to Bump Up Your Online Organizing Game

The latest tools and tactics you may not know of to use online organizing to engage members, broaden your base, and win campaigns. Eight webinars to share with your team.

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Making or Breaking Nonviolent Discipline in Civil Resistance Movements

How can we understand when nonviolent movements will stay nonviolent? When are they likely to break down into violence? In this monograph, Jonathan Pinckney analyzes both what promotes and undermines nonviolent discipline in civil resistance movements. Combining quantitative research on thousands of nonviolent and violent actions with a detailed comparison of three influential cases of civil resistance during the “Color Revolutions,” …

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On Activism and Organizing: There is a Distinction

What’s the difference between an organizer, an activist, and someone who is just plain fighting for their life, on a personal level? Organizing is a more complicated matter than simply throwing down or flexing a skill, and it should be named as such. One of my own mentors once asked me, “But aren’t we all organizers?” My answer, as ever, is a …

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Swarm | Decentralised organisation

Swarm is Anyi's program on decentralized organization which asks the question: how do we engage thousands more people in our organizations? What Anyi have learned from a diverse range of contexts and disciplines (including biology, complex systems, network theory, and open-source software) is that groups need structures that maximize members' autonomy and unity. 

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networked change

Networked change | How progressive campaigns are won in the 21st century

What makes some of today’s most successful advocacy campaigns work, while so many others fail to make an impact? The Networked Change Report maps out the strategies and practices that made 47 of today’s most successful advocacy campaigns work. These campaigns achieved success because of their ability to open up to the new cultural forces which favor openness and grassroots power, but …

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rise up

Rise Up: Board Game Designed For Activists To Practice Building Movements

Board games have a history in social justice movements. Even Monopoly was originally created to teach players about inequality and the problems capitalism can create. A new game, inspired by those roots, is designed to let players practice building a social movement. "There are a lot of games about conquest and exploitation that people play all the time," says Brian …

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Upcoming learning opportunities and events

For details of other workshops and learning opportunities, visit our calendar.

Assessing political opportunities (workshop) | 9 November, Sydney

Assessing political opportunities (workshop) | 9 November, Sydney

Political opportunity and policy windows... What do these concepts mean in practice and how can they guide our approach as activists and organisers? This short participatory workshop introduces some simple but powerful tools to evaluate political opportunity structure and guide campaign strategy. Join the Sydney Campaigners Network for a discussion on how assess political opportunities. Guest facilitators: James Whelan and Fee Mozeley, …

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Doug McKenzie-Mohr

Community-based social marketing workshops | 20-23 March, Melbourne

This two-day workshop provides a comprehensive introduction to community-based social marketing and how it is being applied throughout the world to foster sustainable behaviour. Those who attend the workshop will learn the five steps of community-based social marketing (selecting behaviours, identifying barriers, developing strategies, conducting pilots, and broad scale implementation) and be exposed to numerous case studies illustrating its use. …

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nfp people

Not-for-Profit People Conference | 21-22 November, Melbourne

The Not-For-Profit People Conference is Australia’s biggest event focused on how to attract, train and retain the best people for the NFP sector. Over two days and twenty-nine inspiring sessions, join five hundred senior leaders and team leaders, HR professionals and board members, volunteer managers and CEOs to explore the NFP sector’s most pressing people issues. Full details and registration …

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groupwork institute

Self-care course | 22 November, Melbourne

Something’s got to give: if it seems you are working harder for longer hours, under more pressure than ever, you are not alone. Sadly, over the decades we have seen a steady increase in this trend.  To offset this trend takes considerable effort. We may know what we should do for self care… but don’t do it. This Groupwork Institute …

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fwd + organise

FWD + Organise | 24-25 November, Sydney

Australia's top digital and organising talent converge for two days in Sydney, November 24-25. Some of us mostly work behind a keyboard, others spend our time talking with communities in the field. Some of us obsess over circles of commitment, recruitment events and building relationships. Others focus on innovative email tactics or new tools for online customisation and targeting. The …

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common cause

Common Cause: values and frames that motivate change (various dates and locations)

Introductory half-day workshop for those new to values and frames-based community engagement. We explore how values and frames work, why they matter, and what a values-based approach to community engagement means for individuals, organisations and movements seeking to create a more just, sustainable and democratic world. Masterclass for those who already have a grasp of the Common Cause fundamentals, but …

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groupwork institute

Groupwork Institute of Australia 2016 training calendar

The Groupwork Institute of Australia are the collaborative education and training arm of Commonground Training Resources Inc. We have been leaders in facilitation and collaborative management for more than 30 years. Our approach has two levels: Practical skills and processes that are easy to understand and simple to use Building emotional intelligence so these tools can be applied to a …

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VCOSS training calendar: Our Community

Upcoming training opportunities on grant writing, successful boards, effective meetings, governance, media, online essentials, campaigns that sizzle, and being an effective spokesperson. Our Community has developed a suite of affordable, practical training to help community sector staff, volunteers and supporters keep abreast of their responsibilities and learn how to lift their organisation from ordinary to extraordinary All training is delivered by …

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OrganiseUs (digital campaigning) 2016 training calendar

Workshops on social media srategy, digital organising and train the trainer. Full details and registration here >

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