What's on top?This year's Community Organising Fellowship is in full swing. In early February, the cohort gathered for our first residential retreat at Lands Edge on Sydney Harbour. Over 10 days, we were joined by experts and allies who led sessions on relational meetings, working in alliances and coalitions, digital campaigning, working well with diverse communities including Aboriginal, rural and faith-based groups, campus-based organising, recruitment, phone banking and 'big data'. Our 25 organisers have been matched with experienced mentors and our second residential is coming right up in early May. Applications for the 2017 Fellowship open in August. David Hunt visited Australia to work with us early in the year. David is an internationally recognised teacher and leader in organising for social change. Using a range of community organising techniques, David has taught the fundamentals of organising to thousands of people. Teaching and practicing what he learnt as one of four principal trainers of the Midwest Academy (one of the oldest and most prestigious North American social change organising training institutions), David has been instrumental in winning many victories for individuals and the communities they serve. David led a 1-day workshop on 'Community organising: issues and strategies' in Sydney last month that included a convincing role-play. In this photo, the team at Creighton Turpentine prepare to meet with a community delegation, confident of their power base.
James and Jason are putting the finishing touches on our Community Organising Guide - a collection of workshop outlines and resources written for community organisers, activist educators and workshop facilitators. We will launch the guide mid-2016 as the second instalment of the People Power Manual. We've also updated the Campaign Strategy Guide to include an additional process guide to lead your group through the process of assessing political opportunity. Thanks to friends who have generously shared resources and workshop ideas for the Guide! Drop James a line to pre-order your copy.
A few weeks ago, I was invited by the convenor of the 350.org group in Sydney to lead a short workshop with their team. Their campaign to encourage universities and other institutions to divest from fossil fuels is building momentum. They're actively recruiting and training new leaders, and wanted to build their skills and confidence to design and lead workshops. We had a …
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Great online resourcesEnews subscribers regularly share with us the websites and online resources they’re developing, discovering and learning from in their community organising. Enjoy this month’s batch and be sure to drop us a line to suggest links for the next enews.
Being a good ally to any movement means knowing your stuff about whatever movement you’re supporting. Being a white ally to movements concerning race means having to also look at issues around being white, issues like privilege and the legacy of racism in the U.S. and European colonization... issues that, admittedly, might sting a little. But no one ever said …
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"“A pejorative term for an individual who repeatedly and vehemently engages in arguments on social justice on the Internet, often in a shallow or not well-thought-out way, for the purpose of raising their own personal reputation... Successful organizers, by contrast, are more difficult to shrug off, because they have built a base that acts strategically. The goal of any would-be …
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Stephen Mills write: "Campaigning has broken out from the electoral context and evolved into a new tool for business, government and civil society actors. Campaigning is now the dominant form of collective political activity in Australia. Waves of transformative technological change continue to morph campaigning into an intensely mediated activity. Dispersed individuals and locations are linked through television, the web, social media …
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There are two types of listening: passive and active. With passive listening, you don’t chew on someone’s words too much; you simply react to what they say and try to get your own points across. Active listening is different, and in my opinion a lot more productive. With active listening, you bring all of your attention and focus to your …
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While foundation funding plays a crucial role in enabling grassroots organizations to achieve their goals, it ebbs and flows and, in most cases, comes with mandates that reflect the priorities of foundation leaders. In the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, many social justice organizations have been forced to rethink their overdependence on foundation funding. Following the Great Recession, the community organizing sector experienced …
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Upcoming learning opportunities and eventsFor details of other workshops and learning opportunities, visit our calendar.
Introductory half-day workshop for those new to values and frames-based community engagement. We explore how values and frames work, why they matter, and what a values-based approach to community engagement means for individuals, organisations and movements seeking to create a more just, sustainable and democratic world. Masterclass for those who already have a grasp of the Common Cause fundamentals, but … Read more.
The complete toolset for devising behaviour change projects, including innovation skills, buzz-making, and lots of inspiring examples. Plus plenty of stimulating conversations and great company. Really engage a community in change. Cost: $795 incl GST. Yummy lunch and 180 page training manual provided. Numbers limited. Full details and registration > Read more.
Calling all word nerds! Anat Shenker-Osorio is a world recognised communications expert, whose work across American civil society has improved organisations’ public communication on issues as diverse as tax, immigration, prison reform, work and worker’s rights and much more – often shifting the public narrative on those issues. After the success of last year’s program, we’re proud to offer another prestigious national message and communication fellowship in May …
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The complete toolset for devising behaviour change projects, including innovation skills, buzz-making, and lots of inspiring examples. Plus plenty of stimulating conversations and great company. Really engage a community in change. What it covers. Book a place. Cost: $795 incl GST. Yummy lunch and 180 page training manual provided. Numbers limited. Full details and registration >
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Workshops on social media srategy, digital organising and train the trainer. Full details and registration here >
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Full details of the Groupwork Institute's 2016 training calendar Facilitation Training 2 days training - March 8th & March 9th, 2016 Collaborative Leadership 2 days training - March 22nd & 23rd, 2016 Supervision and Performance Management 2 days training - April 19th & 20th, 2016 Facilitation Training 2 days training - May 24th & May 25th, 2016 Facilitation Training 2 days training - August 16th …
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Upcoming training opportunities on grant writing, successful boards, effective meetings, governance, media, online essentials, campaigns that sizzle, and being an effective spokesperson. Our Community has developed a suite of affordable, practical training to help community sector staff, volunteers and supporters keep abreast of their responsibilities and learn how to lift their organisation from ordinary to extraordinary All training is delivered by …
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