
What's on top?

Busy, happy times! An exciting new website and eNews format, the second workshop in our  Community Organising Fellowship and a completely revamped resource collection. Enjoy! 

tCA old website

Say hello to the Change Agency's new website!

We've revolutionised access to our unique resource collection. The Change Agency team has been creating, collecting and adapting resources for activists and organisers for almost 20 years. Since we created our first website in 2006, it has had almost one million visitors and more than 10,000 downloads each month. Although popular, our ageing site was stacked to the rafters with more …

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Community Organising Fellowship

Community Organising Fellowship launched

The Community Organising Fellowship kicked off in February 2014. We received more than 50 applications for the 25 places in the program and confirmed the first cohort - 25 activists and organisers working around Australia in the coal, gas, climate and renewable energy movements. The first of four residential workshops was held in the amazing Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park just …

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Fellowship cohort at Yengo

Community Organising Fellowship workshop #2

We're just back from Workshop #2 of the Community Organising Fellowship where our cohort enjoyed a fantastic line up of guest facilitators and presenters.  On the first day we  dived into two parallel full day sessions, the first on effective organising around an election  led by Mark Wakeham, Acting Executive Director at Environment Victoria who spoke about the community campaign …

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What Makes People Tick

Recommended reading for strategists & communicators

We've secured 40 copies of Chris Rose's book What Makes People Tick: The three hidden worlds of settlers, prospectors and pioneers. Chris is author of How to Win Campaigns and led an excellent workshop in Melbourne in 2013 with Australian campaigners. Many of us have applied this framework in our strategies. Order now through the Change Agency.

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Confronting power the practice of policy advocacy book

Confronting Power: The practice of policy advocacy

Confronting Power provides an academically rigorous, yet practical and comprehensive framework and concepts for planning, implementing and evaluating policy advocacy. Based on the author's experiences both as teacher and activist, the framework is general enough to be relevant for advocacy in a variety of sectors such as poverty alleviation, human rights and the environment, in different national and cultural contexts, and …

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Great online resources

Enews subscribers regularly share with us the websites and online resources they’re developing, discovering and learning from in their community organising. Enjoy this month’s batch and be sure to drop us a line to suggest links for the next enews.

Would Saul Alinsky break his own rules? Although his landmark book, Rules for Radicals, is now nearly 45 years old, the principles that emerged from Alinsky’s work have influenced every generation of community organizers that has come since...

Relationships are (the) work: Sean Thomas-Breitfeld reflects on the importance of relationship building in creating the movement infrastructure needed to effect lasting social change. Sean considers how deeper relationships between activists and organizations naturally lead to more collective solutions, sticking together through times of scarcity, and making the connections between struggles that help movements last and grow.

Guide to online campaigning for unions: How to use the power of the Internet to urge union members and supporters to become online activists, and to take that action off-line in the real world. Download a 40 page sample free.

Telling your public story: Self, us, now: (Marshall Ganz) By telling our personal stories of challenges we have faced, choices we have made, and what we learned from the outcomes we can inspire others and share our own wisdom. Because stories allow us to express our values not as abstract principles, but as lived experience, they have the power to move others. 

eConvenor is a group-organising tool for grassroots campaigns and community groups. It handles the boring and time-consuming bits of organising a group, so you can get on with the real work. Functions include compiling and distributing agendas, tracking group tasks and keeping track of decisions.

Loomio is a fantastic (and free) online collaborative decision-making tool combining discussion and voting.

Upcoming learning opportunities and events

Sociodrama training workshop | Sydney, June 7

This workshop is for leaders and other change agents who wish to refine their abilities to work sociodramatically within the organisations and systems in which they work and live. Your ability to design and create interventions into the culture and dynamics of organisations or any social system depends a lot on what you pay attention to and what you make …

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Four Thursdays Advanced facilitation course | Brisbane, June-July

The Four Thursdays Facilitation Skills training running in Brisbane in June is an in-depth learning and practice course - working with your facilitation situations, developing designs for high engagement sessions and practising ways to support healthy group dynamics. And we do one day on graphic facilitation with Michelle Walker of Curiousmindsco who works visually with groups as a vital tool in bringing …

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